Schedule > Mini-symposium
JOBIM 2023 accueilllera 2 mini-symposiums le jeudi 29 juin
l'après-midi en métropole - le matin pour le site de Pointe-à-Pitre
Mini-symposium 1
Theme: Metagenomic analyses in an island context (Guadeloupe) and in French Guiana
City: Pointe-à-Pitre
Organization: David COUVIN and Isaure QUETEL
Speakers: Margot GARCIA VAN SMEVOORDE, Anubis VEGA RUA, Elodie CALVEZ, Sourakhata TIRERA, Degrâce BATANTOU, Isaure QUETEL
- 15h50 – 16h10 / 9h50 – 10h10 : Isaure Quétel, Bacterial microbiota management in free-living amoebae (Heterolobosea) isolated from water: the impact of amoebae identity, grazing conditions and passage number
- 6h15 – 16h35 / 10h15 – 10h35 : Degrâce Batantou 1, Resistome and microbiome of biofilms
- 16h40 – 17h / 10h40 – 11h : Anubis Vega-Rua, Influence of breeding sites on Aedes aegypti microbiota and vectorial capacity
- 17h05 – 17h25 / 11h05 – 11h25: Elodie Calvez, Larval diet influence Aedes aegypti microbiota and fitness in laboratory and natural rearing conditions
- 17h30 – 17h50 / 11h30 – 11h50 : Margot Garcia-Van Smevoorde, Impact of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid on Aedes aegypti microbiota and its capacity to transmit dengue virus
- 17h50 – 18h10 / 11h50 – 12h10 : Sourakhata Tirera, Disentangle chimeric (d-chimer) sequences in de novo assembled viromes
Mini-symposium 2
Theme: Multi-omics integration: challenges and perspectives
City: Nice
Organization: Silvia Bottini, Christophe Bécavin, Anais Baudot, Laura Cantini, Vincent Guillemot.
Programme :
- 15:50 – 16:10 / 9:50 – 10:10: Samuel Chaffron, Université de Nantes, Nantes, France. Graph-based multi-omics integrative approaches to study microbial ecosystems across scales.
- 16:20 – 16:40 / 10:20 – 10:40 : Aurélien Dugourd, Post-doctoral fellow Saez Lab, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany. Multi-omic data integration with prior knowledge to decipher signaling and metabolic deregulation in complex diseases.
- 16:50 – 17:10 / 10:50 – 11:10 : Cathy Philippe, Researcher at Neurospin, CEA, Saclay, France. Imaging-genetic approaches to study the human brain.
- 17:20 – 17: 40 / 11:20 – 11:40: Nathalie Vialaneix, Unité MIA-T (SaAB team and Bioinformatics platform), INRAE Toulouse, France. Multi-omics data integration methods: kernel and other machine learning approaches.
- 17:50 – 18:10 / 11:50 – 12:10: Round Table