JOBIM 2023

Instructions for submissions

How to submit a communication to JOBIM 2023


We recommend you to read these instructions carefully, as the JOBIM evaluation process includes two new features: the use of instead of EasyChair, and joint submission to JOBIM and PCI


At the interface of biology, computer science, mathematics, and physics, JOBIM is the annual event that brings together the French bioinformatics community. All fields of bioinformatics, in the broadest sense, are welcome.

For this edition, communications are structured around 9 themes:

    • algorithms and data structures for sequences
    • knowledge representation, visualization and databases
    • evolution, phylogeny and comparative genomics
    • functional and integrative genomics
    • metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and microbial ecosystems
    • structural bioinformatics and proteomics
    • statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence and image analysis
    • systems biology and metabolomics
    • workflows, reproducibility and open science


For the first time, this year, we offer authors the opportunity to make a joint submission to JOBIM and Peer Community In (PCI), and more specifically to PCI Genomics or PCI Mathematical and Computational Biology. Thus, the Program Committee wishes to strengthen its links with PCI, for open access and free research results. If you want to know more about the PCI initiative, do not hesitate to visit the correspondingwebsites, or watch a short explanatory video.

Four submission categories are proposed for oral communications, as well as three for posters.

Oral communications:

  • Proceedings + PCI: an original article (unpublished work). The editorial committee will decide if the article is accepted at JOBIM. The authors will then be invited to submit in parallel to PCI Genomics or PCI Math Comp Biol. In case of acceptance/recommendation by either of these PCI, the authors will be able to publish their article directly, open access and without fees in Peer Community Journal (see the detailed procedure below).
  • Proceedings: an original article contianning between 4 and 8 pages (unpublished work, simultaneous or subsequent submission to a journal or another conference is allowed).
  • Highlight: a one-page summary of an article published after January 1, 2022.
  • Platform and service activities: a one- to two-page summary.

The deadline for oral communication submissions is March 24.


Posters : 

  • Research poster: presentation of scientific results, recent or ongoing, published or not;
  • Platform poster: presentation of platform and service activities;
  • Network poster: presentation of collaborative networks, working groups, or associations.

The deadline for poster submissions is May 10. No deposit will be accepted after this date.



Instructions to follow for submissions :

For each of these types of communication, please log on to the JOBIM2023 website and in your connected space, click on "My submissions".

 The submission is done in 4 steps:


1 – Metadata 

 For any type of submission, please provide the title and the abstract (one or two paragraphs, of the "Abstract" type) in English, as well as the type of submission you propose, the associated theme and a list of keywords.

In addition, in the "comment" field, please let us know:

  1. the JOBIM2023 site you plan to visit (possible choices: Nancy, Nice, Point-à-Pitre, Plouzané, Tours, remote) to allow us to evaluate the space and equipment needs for each site.
  2. if you would like to participate in the best oral presentation or poster award presented by a young scientist (Master, PhD students, post-doc, CDD engineer; eligibility conditions:
  3. In case of a Proceedings + PCI submission please precise here the choice of PCI journal among PCI Genomics or PCI Mathematical and Computational Biology.


2 - Author(s)

You must provide here the different authors and their affiliations.

Please indicate the corresponding author as well as the presenter so that we can properly identify them for the prizes for the best oral and poster communications (by default, the first author is considered the presenter, this can be modified by clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the author in the "action" field).


            3 – File(s)

The type of file to be submitted varies depending on the type of submission, please follow the instructions below:


For all types of posters ("Research", "Platform" and "Networks"):

In all cases, the submission of a poster or demo will consist of a summary of a maximum of one page, in French or English.


For oral presentations: 

  • Proceedings + PCI: an original article submitted on a platform (unpublished work). Details of this submission procedure can be found below.
  • Proceedings: an original article containing between 4 and 8 pages (unpublished work, simultaneous or subsequent submission to a journal or another conference is allowed).
  • Highlight: a one-page summary of a published article after January 1, 2021.
  • Platform activities and services: a summary of one to two pages.



All submissions are expected in PDF format. For joint submissions Proceedings + PCI, templates are available at (please choose "thematic PCI"). For all other submissions, please use the corresponding templates in LaTeX (.tex), Open Office (.odt), or Word (.docx), available here: Templates_JOBIM2023.tar.gz. It is possible to use the IEEE style (.csl) to format references.


Protocol for joint JOBIM + PCI submission :

  • Authors submit their article to JOBIM using the "proceedings + PCI" option.
  • The PCI target (PCI Genomics or PCI Math Comp Biol) must be indicated in the comments.
  • The evaluation follows the usual procedure, and the editorial committee (EC) decides if the article is accepted at JOBIM. 
  • If the article is not accepted, the authors still have the option to continue the submission to the PCI of their choice. This submission then follows its course as a normal submission and therefore without any link with JOBIM. 
  • If the article is accepted the authors authors are informed and invited, if not already done, to put their article on a pre-print website, such as HAL, arXiv, or bioRxiv (identical version to the one evaluated by JOBIM committee).
  • Authors submit to PCI Genomics or PCI Math Comp Biol.
  • The JOBIM's EC evaluations are transmitted to PCI.
  • PCI decides to accept/recommend or not the article, based on JOBIM's EC evaluations.
  • In case of acceptance/recommendation by PCI, the authors can publish it directly, for free and in open access in the Peer Community Journal.


4 – Summary


Check that everything is fine and click on "Submit" to validate your deposite. You will then receive a confirmation email.

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